Along a sunlit street and into a doorway, who was that tall, white-haired figure? What did they carry? An old valise packed with papers, a live hen who seemed content there tucked under their arm, or was it something clinking away and a party going on...?
Kia ora tatou katoa, start anything with a story and people love to read more.
Kia ora tatou katoa, start anything with a story and people love to read more.
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we walk about the beautiful UNITEC grounds and find the birds inspire us. What is it about flight, the way they arrow across the blue, or flap and soar?
Write for your good self, (sort out any issue, celebrate great times), for a book, (entertain people or get them in the know), for advertising, (offer the public excellence), PR, (all the bells and whistles and also lovely music), websites, (gathering in support, customers, interest).... better report writing for that matter.... Give a client a good story with all your information in it, they'll remember more, they'll feel good and like you to work for them again, and the ideas you suggest can then be more easily done, get seen, improve the world.
A story displays acrobatics, or a subtle graceful curve. Why not? People remember what you say and do, with narrative, once upon a time....
You qualify for my third year Level Seven Narrative Writing course at UNITEC. You love writing or you're happy to try it out, and want to go professional in some manner, or already write for a student magazine, or a blog, or reviews on Amazon.
Just pop in here UNITEC School of Communication Studies, and ask. Easy.
Narrative Writing courses are part of the Communication degree programme. With a degree in International Communication you can be set on quite a grand journey, one past student has worked online with people all over the world, been invited to conferences overseas, and now their written work sells internationally too.
Assisting people with their writing makes the world a better place, just write, learn to write good stories and so much else improves. Yes, simple as that.
Writing is always good for us. Simply start a journal or blog, control and focus your thinking, get more done, develop stronger relationships.
Also, you'll write at least 100% better than when you started my UNITEC course, or I'll take you through private lessons until satisfied. Happy to assist.
Countless past students out there love my classes and writing events too, probably tens of thousands by now, from Community College, Blue Haven Writing Workshops, Hibiscus Coast Writers, International Writers' Workshop, various arts festivals, Artists Alliance Workshops, Happy Tea House events, Poetry While You Wait at Objectspace and locally in Grey Lynn, while many private students see me for one-to-one tuition with many kinds of writing including learning to write in English.
Now this Narrative Writing course at UNITEC covers so much and it's a lovely place to study, great people, excellent grounds, plenty of parking. Or sign up for the degree, so worthwhile.
We write and we get better at it. Practise works.
Enrol today at the School of Communication Studies, then haere mai to the fabulous Communication Studies powhiri at UNITEC's marae, on Thursday. The most beautiful building in Auckland if you ask me - all about the story of Tamaki Makaurau Auckland, too. Yes, the building itself tells a story.
Aue, can you hear whaea calling you?
Ataahua, so beautiful. See you there.
Maybe you'd like to watch a video too? This is the kind of promotion students grow to be more than capable of, at The School of Communication Studies, UNITEC, Tamaki Makaurau Auckland.