Discussing space travel recently, ooo rockets, and its adverse effects on the realm of space, we covered some wide ground, ironically. How wonderful the technology may appear. Stephen Hawking saying, yet again, we need to be able to repopulate another planet pretty soon. (I disagree with Mr. Hawking, I think we need to look after this one but he has some good points www.infowars.com/hawking ). Litter and junk up there anyway we also discussed, my friend Jamie and I. Then, I griped on about the matter of our using precious and damaging resources to get to far far far places, merely to ask questions mostly re only what-if scenarios, or to get a wow-we're-amazing feeling, (arguably), considered too. Well, yes so my friend and I then got onto Panspermia. A new word, I was delighted to see it.
I'd said we could be more organic about repopulating outer space, less machinery-minded and less 'must-be-live-people who go there'. Why not just send some sparks of life off into space?
My friend, Jamie said there was already a theory re that idea.
How exciting, I had to think.
So, yes, meteors, comets, asteroids and so on may have bits of bacteria and minerals etc., in their make-up. They plough through space randomly populating where possible. These heavenly zoomers land here and there. If the situation's suitable, life begins to occur. That's the basic theory. (For the religious amongst us, this may be how God works too, no reason to think we know how God works precisely, is there)?
We are, it is believed by many, evidence of a process called evolution, started when a massive comet hit Earth. This was when the planet was newly formed AND just-happened-to-be-ready-for-life. The whole ooze and seethe began. Miraculous, randomness, even without deities or whatever mystery you'd like to add, surely.
BUT how do we reproduce the factors that made THIS planet hospitable to us, somewhere else? Evolution is complex, random, mysterious and not even believed in by everyone.
We need to care for this planet instead, far simpler, less expensive, fun and immediately rewarding because the exercise is good for us. We can start today, changing a little towards that end. Any small action is good. If any one person changes for the better they may have a fine effect on others. Tree planting to absorb carbon, to make the planet healthier, a world-wide trend, could become a huge turnaround in mere years, for climate change.
Trees also provide shade, fruit, flowers, leaves, bark, sap....
Okay so make a leap now, please, we're going to the present day. (I love how we may do that without any machinery, make lateral leaps).
Trees and human beings are reliant on each other for survival, to an extent. Trees take many forms, however and could remain when we have long gone. If we plant more trees now, with care we shall help ensure our survival. Life for us is not ooze and seethe these days, (unless we need a hospital). People, we can play a part in our own destiny and change things on our own human level, a personal choice, so the air's cleaner, the view's better and the planet less burdened with carbon.
Tree planting provides work, food and helps economies too.
I keep saying I have free kowhai and totara seedlings, and almost no one takes me up on it. Four have gone, but I have LOTS of them. Am I really that scary? Ask me, I'm happy to give them to you. It helps me to stay well and in good spirits, to give to others. And believe me, you want me that way. *laughs* Or I'd gladly take money for them if you wish. Contact me in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland, Aotearoa NZ email raewynalexander at hotmail dot com, (yes raewynalexander is all one word in my email). No scammers jammers or slammers need apply.
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May Hem and Nut Case - from my IGIJDK Exhibition |
* Panspermia (Greek: πανσπερμία from πᾶς/πᾶν (pas/pan) "all" and σπέρμα (sperma) "seed") is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids and planetoids.[1]
Panspermia proposes that life forms that can survive the effects of space, such as extremophiles, become trapped in debris that is ejected into space after collisions between planets that harbor life and Small Solar System Bodies (SSSB). Bacteria may travel dormant for an extended amount of time before colliding randomly with other planets or intermingling with protoplanetary disks. If met with ideal conditions on a new planet's surfaces, the bacteria become active and the process of evolution begins. Panspermia is not meant to address how life began, just the method that may cause its sustenance.[2][citation needed]
The related but distinct idea of 'exogenesis' (Greek: ἔξω (exo, "outside") and γένεσις (genesis, "origin")) is a more limited hypothesis that proposes life on Earth was transferred from elsewhere in the Universe but makes no prediction about how widespread it is.
- from Wikipedia
I am also involved with this project 100 Days - http://100daysproject.co.nz/project/2013/101
possibly a pic of the first telegraph/telephone pole in the countryside North Island NZ somewhere c.1940/50 |
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